| David J. Kalupahana - 1984 - 222 pages
...development and maturing of a plant, an evolutionary transmigration with a predeterimned end. "Existence is measured as with a bushel, with its joy and sorrow,...wise alike will take their course and make an end of pain."i2 This, no doubt, is an extreme form of determinism or fatalism (niyati-vada). One of the most... | |
| Arthur Llewellyn Basham - 1991 - 212 pages
...neither be lessened nor increased, nor is there any excess or deficiency of it. Just as a ball of string will, when thrown, unwind to its full length, so fool...wise alike will take their course, and make an end of sorrow.15 With this doctrine — to us, a depressing one — allowing no scope to human effort, it... | |
| Sailendra Nath Sen - 1999 - 672 pages
...neither be lessened nor increased, nor is there any excess or deficiency of it. Just as a ball of string will, when thrown, unwind to its full length, so fool...wise alike will take their course, and make an end of sorrow." The practice of besmearing bodies with dust and ashes was also one of the peculiar customs... | |
| Niharranjan Ray, Brajadulal Chattopadhyaya - 2000 - 698 pages
...neither be lessened nor increased, nor is there any excess or deficiency of it. Just as a ball of string will, when thrown, unwind to its full length, so fool...wise alike will take their course, and make an end of sorrow. Digha Nikaya, I. 53-4, The Wonder that was India, AL Basham, trans., 3rd ed. UK, 1971, p. 298.... | |
| Gananath Obeyesekere - 2002 - 486 pages
...karma already ripened, by virtuous conduct, by vows, by penance, or by chastity. That cannot be done. Samsara is measured as with a bushel, with its joy...wise alike will take their course, and make an end of sorrow. (HD, 13-14)41 This is the earliest and most detailed statement of Ajivika thought by a contemporary,... | |
| Gananath Obeyesekere - 2002 - 486 pages
...already ripened, by virtuous conduct, by vows, by penance, or by chastity. That cannot be done. Samsdra is measured as with a bushel, with its joy and sorrow...wise alike will take their course, and make an end of sorrow. (HD, 13-14) 41 This is the earliest and most detailed statement of Ajlvika thought by a contemporary,... | |
| Pankaj Mishra - 2004 - 444 pages
...exhausting karma already ripened, by virtuous conduct, by vows, by penitence, or by chastity . . . Just as a ball of thread will, when thrown, unwind...wise alike will take their course, and make an end of sorrow. There was even an atomist called Pakudha Kacchayana, a precursor of the Greek Democritus, who... | |
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