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Books Books
" Hulst, H. van der 1 984. Syllable Structure and Stress in Dutch. Dordrecht: Foris. Hyman, L. 1985. A Theory of Phonological Weight. Dordrecht: Foris. Ito, J. 1989. "A Prosodic of Theory of Epenthesis," Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 7: 217-60. "
Linguistic Theory and South Asian Languages: Essays in Honour of K.A. Jayaseelan - Page 246
edited by - 2007 - 282 pages
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English Historical Linguistics and Philology in Japan

Jacek Fisiak, Akio Oizumi - 1998 - 484 pages
...ij 1989 "Compensatory lengthening in moraic phonology", Linguistic Inquiry 20: 253-306. Hulst, Harry van der 1 984 Syllable structure and stress in Dutch. Dordrecht: Foris. Hyman, Larry M. 1985 A theory of phonological weight. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson: Foris. Katamba, Francis 1989...
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